Lemonade Inc Connected by Pride

Lemonade Insurance commissioned me to create an animation for their exquisite corpse Instagram project. Connected by Pride celebrates Pride by highlighting the colors within the Pride flag, with a dedicated piece for each color. I was assigned to the color blue.

I created this magical land to represent trans and queer joy. When I first discovered what love was, and it was different than what was projected onto me, I was in a magical euphoric land. The same applies to gender expression. The struggle and darkness only come from the outside; from ignorant parents to a biased society. The land of authentic queerness and transness is a means of escape from the outside world. I create my own euphoric queer and trans land and I do that through my art.

Animation, 3D Illustration

Art Direction
Devin Croda


3D Pride LGBTQ Art for Lemonade Insurance by Noah Camp. Blue and pink landscape made of cake, M&M, lollipop, ice cream and cherry
3D Pride LGBTQ Art for Lemonade Insurance by Noah Camp. Blue and pink landscape made of cake, M&M, lollipop, ice cream and cherry
3D Pride LGBTQ Art for Lemonade Insurance by Noah Camp. Blue and pink landscape made of cake, M&M, lollipop, ice cream and cherry
Lemonade Instagram Feed with nine LGBTQ Art by different artists as Noah Camp